Tommy Doyle, Supervisor of Elections - Headshot of Supervisor featured with the Election's Office logo. Mission Statement: 'Our mission is to deliver superior election services to the voters of Lee County.'

Public Records Request

Please consider using the electronic form below to simplify making your request for a public record. You are not required to submit your request in writing and provide your identity, the purpose, or an explanation for seeking records.

Note that no fields are required per Florida law, Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes. However, please provide a contact method if you make a public records request using the online form.

To expedite responding to or filling your request, please consider that very broad requests can be expensive or may take longer to fulfill. We are committed to responding to and filling public records requests as quickly as possible, and we ask that consideration be given to the information that will be helpful in fulfilling your request.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at 239-533-8683 and ask to speak to Stephen Rumer, Public Records Custodian.


Voter Data and Records Fee Schedule



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