Tommy Doyle, Supervisor of Elections - Headshot of Supervisor featured with the Election's Office logo. Mission Statement: 'Our mission is to deliver superior election services to the voters of Lee County.'

Voting System

The Department of State is responsible for approving the voting systems and equipment that may be used to conduct elections in the State of Florida. The Lee County Supervisor of Elections uses the certified voting system and equipment provided by Election Systems and Software, Inc.  

ExpressVote Voting Machine


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ExpressVote® Voting System's innovative design allows a voter complete independence. Voters with disabilities may use the touch-screen ballot marking device when voting at an early voting site or their polling place on Election Day. Ballots can be provided in both audio and visual formats; the touchscreen, headphones, a rocker paddle, and a sip-n-puff device can be used to vote. 

Voters have the ability to review their selections and make changes before printing a vote summary card. After printing the card indicating the voter’s selections, the card is inserted into the Optical Scan Tabulator (DS300®) for tabulation. To view more information about ExpressVote, click here.

ExpressVote How to Vote:

English PDF
Spanish PDF




DS200 Optical Scan Tabulator




The Optical Scan Tabulator (DS300®) is used to tabulate paper ballots at early voting sites and the polls on Election Day. 


DS300 How to Vote:

English PDF
Spanish PDF








The high-speed Optical Scan Tabulator (DS950®) is used in the Tabulation Center at the Main Office to count Vote-by-Mail ballots. To view more information about the DS950 High-Speed Scanner, click here.