Tommy Doyle, Supervisor of Elections - Headshot of Supervisor featured with the Election's Office logo. Mission Statement: 'Our mission is to deliver superior election services to the voters of Lee County.'

Third Party Voter Registration

What is a Third-Party Voter Registration Organization?

A Third-Party Voter Registration Organization is any person, entity, or organization that solicits or encourages others to register to vote and collects any voter registration applications.

What is another name for a Third-Party Voter Registration Organization?

A Third-Party Voter Registration Organization is also referred to as a 3PVRO.

3PVRO Registration, Rules, Responsibilities, Penalties, and Complaints

For more information about registering as a 3PVRO, rules, responsibilities, penalties, or filing a complaint against a 3PVRO, visit the Third Party Voter Registration Organization resource page on the Florida Division of Elections website. 

Delivery of Voter Registration Forms

A registered 3PVRO can hand deliver voter registration applications to any branch office of the Lee County Supervisor of Elections, or by mail to PO Box 2545, Fort Myers, FL  33902-2545.