Tommy Doyle, Supervisor of Elections - Headshot of Supervisor featured with the Election's Office logo. Mission Statement: 'Our mission is to deliver superior election services to the voters of Lee County.'

Election Security Fact Sheet


Decentralized Elections in Florida

  • Each of Florida's 67 counties maintains their own local voter registration database and voting system. There is no single point of entry to affect the outcome.


Paper Ballots Only

  • All voters in Lee County cast their vote using a paper ballot, which allows for a full audit of an election.


Network Security

  • Voter registration database and vote tabulation database are maintained independently on separate networks for a full reconciliation of ballots cast versus total voter turnout.
  • The tabulation server is held in a closed network with no internet access.
  • Office software patches and updates are installed as they become available.
  • Numerous cyber-security systems, software, and procedures are in place, which includes active monitoring and intrusion detection.


Pre-Election Testing

  • Lee County uses only state and federally certified voting systems to tabulate ballots.
  • Every piece of equipment used in an election is tested thoroughly prior to the election.
  • The logic and accuracy testing (L&A) of the voting system is held during a public meeting of the Canvassing Board.


Results Reporting

  • Rigorous ballot reconciliation procedures compare the number of ballots and voters throughout the process and apply to all voting methods including vote-by-mail ballots, and those cast during early voting and on Election Day.


Post-Election Audit

  • After each election, the office conducts an audit, ensuring the accuracy of our tabulation system.