Lee County, Florida Precincts Counted 20 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 2 100.00% [004] Registered Voters 29,074 100.00% [005] Ballots Cast 8,060 27.72% Precinct [004] [005] 13 1505 554 34 1658 72 49 21 10 61 1530 681 80 1884 640 86 853 94 128 1937 82 129 1707 85 130 1845 88 131 2353 74 133 1563 820 134 1917 806 135 1483 567 136 1799 841 137 1476 653 140 1610 82 141 918 6 142 47 0 148 2011 982 149 957 533 A201 0 379 A202 0 11 Bonita Springs Precincts Counted 11 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 1 100.00% [009] Registered Voters 16,146 100.00% [010] Ballots Cast 7,466 46.24% Creation of Bonita Springs City [011] Yes for Approval 4,262 57.88% [012] No for Rejection 3,101 42.12% Precinct [009] [010] [011] [012] 13 1505 554 233 321 49 21 10 2 8 61 1530 681 368 305 80 1884 640 307 325 133 1563 820 601 212 134 1917 806 399 396 135 1483 567 276 278 136 1799 841 478 353 137 1476 653 403 247 148 2011 982 588 378 149 957 533 390 133 A201 0 379 217 145 San Carlos Fire Control Precincts Counted 9 100.00% Absentee Precincts Counted 1 100.00% [018] Registered Voters 12,928 100.00% [019] Ballots Cast 594 4.59% Millage Increase from 2 to 3 Mills [020] Yes for Approval 329 56.34% [021] No for Rejection 255 43.66% Precinct [018] [019] [020] [021] 34 1658 72 40 32 86 853 94 39 54 128 1937 82 47 34 129 1707 85 55 29 130 1845 88 51 35 131 2353 74 30 41 140 1610 82 58 22 141 918 6 2 4 142 47 0 0 0 A202 0 11 7 4